We're Hiring! A Call for Readers
Apogee Journal is currently looking for highly motivated and critically minded readers to review submissions in collaboration with our Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction editors. Our submissions are open 4 months out of the year, and last issue we received nearly a thousand submissions. As we continue to grow, we expect to receive even more! If you are interested in being considered for the position, please email editors@apogeejournal.org by July 1st with the following items: *A Resume or CV * A cover letter that answers the following questions: 1. What genre(s) are you interested in reading for? 2. What do you believe makes a successful piece of writing in chosen genre? 3. Which contemporary writers work are you most interested in, and why? 4. Are you familiar with the mission of Apogee Journal? Why are you interested in working with us? Apogee Journal focuses on publishing art and literature that engage with issues of identity politics: race, gender, sexuality, class, and hyphenated identities. Our goal is to publish exciting work that interrogates the status quo, providing a platform for unheard voices, including emerging... Read More