Jonathan Lyndon Chase

  Jonathan Lyndon Chase   Jonathan Lyndon Chase, 2 men getting ready, 2019, Acrylic paint, marker, chalk pastel, nail polish, 84 x 78 inches.   Jonathan Lyndon Chase, boy with two bitches, 2018, Marker, watercolor, graphite on paper, 28 x 22 inches.

Najee H.F.

  Najee H.F. The work here are still images from an ongoing ritual accumulation performance. The artist considers it a physical expression of the rage of her ancestors in confrontation with the inherited biases and potential for violence in the progeny of their oppressors (her white peers). By ritualistically slapping them across the face, she […]

On Marginalia, Pleasure, and Abjection

  On Marginalia, Pleasure and Abjection Kristal Uribe-Cifuentes   Always having been afraid to keep one, the closest thing I have to a diary is an ever-growing archive of my marginalia. This archive consists of digital and physical lists of collected annotations that for years I have kept disorganized, scattered around, for the sake of […]


  Fanática Lily Philpott to tell you the truth, i am both curious and a little scared to know what it will be like when i do come back time passes so swiftly and all things change and so will i i think it would be irresponsible of me to hope your love will remain […]

The Beatles Have Come to Mexico

  The Beatles Have Come to Mexico Anthony Gomez III   Eventually, everything goes wrong at home.  After my father died, my mother spent all her time behind a flickering screen watching old films—those ones in which all the actors seem to have funny voices and accents that no longer exist.  I preferred things in […]

The Xhosa start killing their Cattle

  The Xhosa start killing their Cattle Mohammed Zenia   1. My cattle headless crown heather’s on the dunes drowned frozen fluid cuttlefish lung my cattle blood-bind dirt and sunk rosaries kinsman sing the rapture signals but 2 no avail we/ silent palisades verily the dead wave to us tomorrow My cattle Nigeria NY rich […]

Corner #4, 53 Years of Incarceration

  Corner #4; 53 Years of Incarceration Tomiekia Johnson   Sitting cross-ankle on my bunk –– back to the cinder block wall. Tears are in conflict, whether to come out, or hold place. A peculiar war unfolds in corner #4 of my cell. One high ranking elder croaking words of defense through pain. Ranked right […]

Our History Is Already Written (II): Chinatown (2019)

  Our History Is Already Written (II): Chinatown (2019) River 瑩瑩 Dandelion for Zheng Tai Tai and Liang Tai Tai1   You ask us why we fight. We had no other choice. My first apartment, Leaking Roof, Cracked walls Lined with mold, Fungus Propagating in living room, Landlord Cut off heat & hot water, Winter. […]

In Place of “God” [the river]

  In Place of “God” [the river] Ezza Ahmed   Two weeks at the age of twenty I didn’t miss a single prayer.  Living in my mother’s perspective.  Prayers seeping between cupped hands mouth in motion collapsing into و, the opening.  I learned that [the river] has no tongue except absence—  I mean patience. Hunger. […]

Elise Thi Tran

  Two Poems Elise Thi Tran   I Remember “The Malaysian government disclosed tonight it has turned away boats carrying an estimated 40,000 people already this year. Several of those boats are known to have sunk at sea.”  –The Washington Post, June 19, 1979     Ancestral Veneration A professor in college, animated, posits modern […]