Apogee’s fourth issue–our first online interactive issue–is almost here! We’re excited to announce our list of contributors of poetry, prose and visual art:
niv Acosta
Kenzie Allen
José Felipe Alvergue
Cristiana Baik
Koa Beck
Hisham Bustani
Gyasi Byng
Jess X. Chen
Terese Coe
Alex Cuff
Ann DeWitt
Thoraya El-Rayyes
Mya Green
Julia Guez
Aimee Herman
Soleil Ho
Tsitsi Jaji
Devin Kenny
Alison Kuo
Astrid Larson
Rebecca Liu
Paco Marquez
Caitlin MacBride
Victoria Matsui
Victoria McArtor
Mollie McKinley
Roberto Montes
Vishal Nirvanus
Ladan Osman
Migueltzinta Cah Mai Solís Pino
Khadijah Queen
Patrick Rosal
JD Scott
Bayeté Ross Smith
Eliza Swann
Wendy Videlock
Grant Worth