delight the light. delict, just outside the city.
salt scrape, another city atrophied. whole
lotta white people talkin ‘bout state birds.
afroapple aristocracy. won’t catch me out
here in cider season — bring it to me if you
know what’s good.
endless tundra crunch. slide on me nappy
and docile — winter is bad for my posture.
seeds on ground. TV in all the wrong places.
side by side. i can’t be any more. frantic, in
general. copacetic in nature: out of order,
some with justice. there’s more sympathy
when she sings it.
muscle lunge signed in flesh memory. these
things reoccur. hot process; trying not to be
precious about it. soon come. it ago hit hard.
slippery pink sky stack. hog proximity don’t
mean shit.