AAWW PubCon!
Asian American Writers’ Workshop’s third Publishing Conference is a special one-day session to hear from veteran authors, agents and editors. Past conferences featured speakers from The New Yorker, The New... Read More
Two Poems by Shira Erlichman
Ode to Lithium #147: Conversation with K.
Creation Stories in Nuruddin Farah’s Hiding in Plain Sight
Swati Khurana reviews Nuruddin Farah’s novel, Hiding in Plain Sight
Crystal Hana Kim interviews Sarah Ladipo Manyika
In Conversation with Sarah Ladipo Manyika on Her New Novel, Identity Politics, and Literary Activism
Poetry by Cortney Lamar Charleston
State of the Union “I see it in the American who served his time… the protester determined to prove that justice matters…” —BARACK OBAMA
Apogee is Recipient of 2016 NYSCA Grant
We at Apogee Journal are excited to announce that the New York State Council on the Arts has awarded us an $8,000 Book and Literary Magazine Publishing grant to support... Read More