by Roberto Montes

(no subject) –



Learn the skills     for your DREAM job    sleeping

is free in some habitats  Keep a dream

journal   leave it behind


My sister taught me this


inexpensive trick they don’t want you to know  


It’s all your fault     and

cicadas are not a natural phenomenon


if you love them

enough They’ll collect    your outstretched arm


is a branch to them   Do you care


your potential is right here   I agree

WHOLEHEATEDLY  you can discover a better orgasm


means the same    Around 3,153/week


Sloping downward    when leaving any speeding thing

they tell you       bring your knees in   Hold on

to your knees     


they say    can do you that for me   will you

do that for me         of course


in the air it’s all the same        You slide

comfortably in  There you are

(no subject) –

Take my advice

I can make you a good time bachelor

My sister had a problem

I couldn’t stop her from solving

My curl fell like a child

My feet reduced or grew in size depending

Where they were

Who they supported

One promising method was just rubbing in an interesting way

To be racially incoherent

My name a history meaning I am not myself

Passed down

After a few, a few more

Get to know hunger in your area

What wouldn’t want to meet you

You won’t believe

What the platinum membership extends

For years the crowd guessed who had hurt them

You too

According to eye witness reports

The waters delivered and left

The bison fled

The Super Volcano and boredom

It was too late for originality

And brave

In my country I had nothing

Now I have nothing more

With your signature

I can move millions between us

The soul would be less dense than air

If you really loved your godchildren

You would share this directly

And undo yourself

Before responsibility

The doors close

The miniatures open

The historical accuracy of being alone

Liable to clatter

Against almost any surface

Have you seen this

3% body fat in weeks

I would not trade for anything

Of equal value

Is there such a cause

When I could be perfect on a mat

Evolution suggests we know

The benefits of close-cropped hair

Watch the soldier reunited

with his German Shepard

Dead and free of editing

You can already tell it won’t exist

What we can be saved from

This woman claims

She can survive

On light and air alone

What is best is often simplest

Can you believe it

Try to prove her wrong

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