POETRY: Made in China, by Wale Owoade



Made In China

Wale Owoade


Buried dreams wear mirrors in their grave
They split with solace like this child:
Wear frugal wings, fly through
Dark ages, through KhakiMenAndBlockades
Through SixBootsStainedWithBlood
To watch future scenes before they are shown

But what use are future scenes
When dreams are
Made in China?

Buried hopes wear mirrors in their grave
They split with solace like this mother:
Wear head gears, dance through
Sacred grounds, through BringBackOurGirls
Through IbadanForestOfHorror
To sow future seeds before its night

But what use are future seeds
When hopes are
Made in China?

Buried truths wear mirrors in their grave
They split with solace like this father:
Wear eagerhearts, hew through
Shabby oaths, through PayOurPension
Through SomeFathersAreStillUnemployed
To pleat future talks before they are done

But what use are future talks
When truths are
Made in China?


* In Nigeria and probably in Africa or anywhere else, when something is said to be made in China, that thing is either fake, or has poor longevity, that is, it can be spoilt or damaged easily and quickly.


WALE OWOADE is a Nigerian poet. His works have appeared or forthcoming in publications like: Radar Poetry Journal, The Lake Poetry Journal, The Bombay Review, Mapple Tree Literary Supplement, Yellow Chair Review, Black Mirror Magazine, Eunoia Review, The Zoomoozophone Review, The Kalahari Review, The New Black Magazine and many others. Wale is the Publisher and Managing Editor of EXPOUND: A Magazine of Arts and Aesthetics and is currently working on his debut manuscript.

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