ordinary legacies

Tina Zafreen Alam

soundtrack: don’t cry, j dilla

no one grieved
is really lost
any life touched
i’ll never not cry & still
remember we exist simultaneous
without division living & dead
somewhere in a row at banani koborstan
marked by a jackfruit tree dadi waits
on my return i can always go
home she’s still
in white mourning somewhere
i am crying while sometimes i am
not because my hands & heart are
record of her
no one can ever say she’s not
here not with me i
wipe each tear brush my cheek
her touch tender i hold
dariyalla dada’s hand & somehow
cross generation both
her legacy
& his sister


Visual Art: Jonathan Lyndon Chase, come here, 2018, Pen, marker on paper, 28 x 22 inches