Arah Ko

Are you bringing blood diamonds smart
phones damned by cobalt mines are you
bringing ornaments and tepid new year’s
resolutions are you bringing fatted calves
flawless as undriven snow pampered as pet
dogs are you bringing your pet dog are you
bringing dried rivers and felled rain forests in each
sharp pencil bleached reefs bone-white
in a sunscreen bottle every year of gasoline as thick
as blood are you bringing the dead are you bringing
the living will they testify for you or against you are
you bringing your Instagram following your solid
gold paper weights and every paper plate you ate
on are you bringing blood offerings are you
bringing sin offerings are you bringing sexy back
are you bringing any shame are you bringing bread
or breaking it are you bringing your last Google
search every gallon that washed your blue jeans
each flower you picked every song you learned all
the bombs dropped on your behalf are you bringing
your hands empty or full the last change
in your pocket are you bringing two white doves?


Visual Art: Vincent Chong, Snake Creek i, 2023, Watercolor on paper, 15 x 12 inches