The Xhosa start killing their Cattle
Mohammed Zenia
My cattle headless crown
heather’s on the dunes drowned
frozen fluid cuttlefish lung my cattle blood-bind dirt and sunk rosaries
kinsman sing the rapture signals but
2 no avail we/ silent palisades verily
the dead wave
to us tomorrow
My cattle Nigeria NY rich af
my cattle sigh
my desire + brown thighs from cattle sex we fill the cattle void my cattle cascade cattle Nevada
betting to win cattle tongue future Sahara forest fires +radiation tributaries under
my cattle trample the sun
look downcast @ green
moons lick lips and laugh
I put my cattle on a spoon
+ shoot my cattle up
I drink 100 cattle a day why should I give a fuck?
Once Autochuch drove legion over Eurasia
Re’em shirked sighs
+ fear in the hearts of the12 tribes lost
monoliths stampeded house Malkenburg to Jarchow Poland
Ever-bodies cow crazy even the vegans + lactose intolerant are
doing they’re part to praise cattle cosmos
I praise Maadi Deng the tonsil + shit of the cow the belly and buttocks
the river of moon rock blood the cow in Asia and Africa
lock horns over the imperial mystery
the cow trapped ocean
trestles at the bottom
of inverse cannons green gold the chalice cattle cattle Las Vegas Dallas Detroit roadster
cattle cattle clarion call and cattle pope cattle builds the suburbs cattle progeny
cattle prophecy cattle seance
cattle Sunday
cattle killing to bring
anew the the cattle dead
all hail the cattle dead
My cattle bought river Euphrates and then sold it back Al Bashir parceled Istanbul Constantine England brought Cairo tel aviv to the beggars knee
and spiraled bullets through presidents my cattle are like the black Beatles + that’s bigger than Jesus
My cattle 4 white girls dining upscale east side Miranda and the gang
The desire of Venus house Xtravaganza and
Long live the girls trading dreams for cows
My cattle python killers and Sun dance
My cattle roam Broadway ghost ride the whip
And run murder over barbarian wall street
My cattle immaculate medallion
A Heifer for my necklace
And still
My cattle lay the belly wasteland smog
And anonymous mooch inside a cloudy
Black eye
Mahdi maadi Deng
The cattle rot earth and vomit pestilence
Cattle r dying here in orifice Midwest
And still the red ribbon of funerals
Wails over Darfur
Cattle renewal red earth
And the resurrect the
Spirit of Steve Biko
The townships cry out
For cattle justice
And the unfinished
Business of socialist Africa
Awaits it’s cattle dawn
But first everything must die.