With the softest of touches, it was released. Wide open — but with the defense rapidly closing in, arms outstretched, trying its best to block it.

The clock was turned off. And just like in the movies, time slowed as we anxiously watched the shot sail through the air towards its mark. Audaciously hoping to feel the exhilarating jubilation — and relief — of success.

Most watching thought is was a bad shot. A terrible shot, even. Some even looked away. Others simply shook their heads in disbelief and perplexity. While the rest held out hope.

“That’s a stupid shot. Why on earth would you take it?” one mockingly quizzed.

“There’s no way that shot’s goin’ in. It’s too far. And there’s too much pressure,” another reasonably contended.

However, all I could hear was Michael Jordan’s famous line: “You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take” — just as the shot reached the rim.

It took a couple hard bounces before settling into a toilet bowl like a spiral. Teetering back and forth. Everything went still. Breathlessly silent to the point where you could hear a rat piss on cotton.

painting of green background, large yellow su-like circle, hands reaching towards a faceless head. title written on bottom.

“The End Is At Hand” by Sean White

Would you like to write to the author of this piece? Mailing address:

Olethus Hill Jr. #A632-745
Madison Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 740
London, OH 43140

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